In every honor seminar you will engage with faculty and other students in deep and purposeful class discussions. We come together in seminar to inquire –explore the content, question its premises and consider its implications. These are not like the honors courses you might have had before that were focused on notes, lectures and exams.
These are highly engaging, often personal learning experiences where you will join with others in the process of inquiry.

In honors you will get to expand your knowledge by engaging in unique and highly interesting content that goes beyond typical university offerings. You can fulfill your general education requirements by studying topics like:
• Reading Rock & Roll
• Pirates, Princes and Popes
• National Security and Terrorism
• Digital Technology in the Study of Art
• Fairy Tale in Literature and Film
• The Idea of God in Western Tradition
• Science of Climate Change

Alden Craddock, Professor in the School of Education, and the College of Arts and Sciences also teaches and serves as director of the Bascom Honors Program. Craddock is a political scientist by training but his career has taken him around the world working with educators and government officials on promoting democracy through education. His experience consulting for the US government and working with international partners makes his seminars exciting opportunities to consider real-world issues.